May 22


10 Superfoods For Awesome Gut Health

By Rosemary Di Maria

May 22, 2023

Your gut health is critical to several important body functions.  In a nutshell, a healthy working gut and what we put into it is essential to good health.

Your gastrointestinal tract, breaks down food into essential nutrients to fuel your body and is linked to a healthy immune system, endocrine system and cardiovascular system.

The gut also impacts your brain health. Established research has shown that poor gut microbiome may be linked to depression via the Gut-Brain axis.

Food you eat has an important role to play in gut health. In this article we discuss the foods that can improve your gut health and therefore your overall health.

We will focus on minimally processed whole foods, particularly fermented foods and fiber-rich foods. These gut-beneficial foods are classified as either probiotics and prebiotics.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in fermented foods. Adding probiotic foods to your diet benefits your overall gut health. 

Probiotics are good bacteria that are thriving in your gut.

Probiotics are mainly bacteria, however certain yeasts also function as probiotics. There are also other microorganisms in the gut, including viruses, fungi, archaea, and helminths.

You can get probiotics from supplements, as well as from foods prepared by bacterial fermentation like yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi.

People tend to think that probiotics are the over-the-counter supplements your doctor may recommend to counteract the negative effects of an antibiotic. But probiotics are those good gut bacteria inside your gut right now. Try to integrate some of these great probiotic foods into your daily diet today. 


1. Greek Yogurt

Plain Greek yogurt is a gut-beneficial powerhouse that also support the immune system. So pair up Greek yogurt with oatmeal (the wholemeal variety) and fruits like bananas for a gut beneficial breakfast. Bananas are a rich source of probiotics and oatmeal is a great source of prebiotics. Team up with Greek yogurt, the form without added sugar and sweeten with honey to taste.


2. Kimchi

A Korean national dish is a spicy, fermented cabbage dish filled with probiotics to promote a healthy gut.

Kimchi is made with cruciferous vegetables like Napa cabbage containing nutrients with antioxidant properties that may help prevent some types of cancer.


3. Kefir

Kefir contains more probiotics and protein than regular yogurt. A 2021 review article published in Frontiers in Nutrition found found consuming kefir beneficial to your gut microbiome by reducing inflammation and gut permeability. Additional research found that kefir may help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented tea containing fruit juice and spices. Loaded with probiotics, it's one of the most most effective ways to consume probiotics. Consuming kombucha can also help protect against comorbidities associated with obesity, such as high cholesterol levels and type 2 diabetes.


5. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a pickled cabbage dish similar to kimchi. Avoid sauerkraut that's been pasteurized and/or has been sitting at room temperature as it will negate any probiotic benefits. Only purchase sauerkraut from the refrigerator, ensuring it has active, live cultures for gut-health benefits.



Prebiotics are forms of fiber that remain in your gut, therefore are not digested in the small intestine, but instead travel to the colon, where they are fermented to provide food for gut beneficial probiotics.

Fiber rich foods, like wholemeal oats sustain you for longer, so they make for an ideal breakfast to fuel the day ahead. They also prevent certain cancers, blood sugar spikes, lower cholesterol and improving your heart health.

The easiest way to get enough prebiotics into your diet is by eating plenty of vegetables and fruit. 

Try to integrate some of these great prebiotic foods into your daily diet now. 


6. Artichokes

Artichokes are an excellent source of inulin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. Additionally, artichokes improves bone health, brain protection your brain and support a healthy blood pressure.


7. Garlic

Garlic is an effective prebiotic, providing food for good bacteria in your gut. It also has antiseptic and antiviral properties that support and fortify your immune system.


8. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are high in prebiotic fiber and contain compounds with medicinal properties. Research shows consuming mushrooms supports health blood sugar, prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and even cancer.


9. Wholemeal Oats

Wholemeal Oats are one of the best prebiotic foods for gut health.

Oatmeal provides your gut with a balanced source of complex carbohydrates, plant-based protein and fiber.

Choose plain instant oatmeal or old fashioned or steel cut oats use. Add fruit or honey for added sweetness.


10. Soybeans (Edamame)

Soybeans are a great source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Adding soybeans to your diet is a great way to improve gut health. 


What your gut doesn't want.

Knowing the foods to avoid is just as important as knowing which foods to include in your diet.  Avoid processed foods, artificial foods, added sugar, preservatives and additives. All of which can wreak havoc on your gut. 


Probiotic and prebiotic supplements

Biowell's probiotic and prebiotic supplements are formulated to work in tandem, providing your gut with a daily release of probiotics and prebiotics.

Rosemary Di Maria

About the author

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